Education Should Be Free

Educational Story for School Students and Children

500+ Words Essay on Education
Education is a very important tool that is very useful in everyone’s life. Education is make us apart from all other living things on earth. It makes man one of the wisest creatures on earth. It empowers people and prepares them to face life’s challenges successfully. That being said, education is still a luxury and not a necessity in our country.

Education awareness must be spread across the country to make education accessible. However, this remains incomplete without analyzing the value of education. Only when people realize what it is, when they can see it as a necessity for good health. In this story about Education, we will see the importance of education and how it is the gateway to success.

The Importance of Education
Education is a vital tool for eradicating poverty and unemployment. In addition, it improves the state of trade and benefits the whole world. Therefore, the higher the level of education in the country, the better the chances of improvement.
Moreover, this education benefits a person in various ways.

It helps a person to make a better and more informed decision using his or her knowledge. This increases a person’s level of success in life. Later, education has a responsibility to provide an improved standard of living. It gives you job opportunities that can improve your quality of life.

Similarly, education helps one to be independent. Once a person is educated enough, he will not have to rely on another person to make a living. They will be able to fend for themselves and earn a living.

Above all, education also builds one’s self-confidence and confidence. When we talk about international opinion, even then education plays a big role. Educated people vote for the best person in the world.

The door to success
To say that education is your door to success would be an understatement. It serves as a key that will open many doors to success. This will help us for a better life.

An educated person has many job opportunities waiting for him beyond the door. They can choose from a variety of options and are not forced to do anything they do not like. Most importantly, education has a valuable impact on our perception. It helps us to choose the right path and to look at things from a different perspective rather than just one.

With education, you can improve your productivity and finish the job better compared to an uneducated person. However, one has to make sure that education alone does not guarantee success.

It is a door to success that requires hard work, dedication and more after which you can successfully open it.

In conclusion, education makes us a most valuable person and teaches us a method of skills. It improves your intelligence and the ability to make sound decisions. It promotes individual growth.

Education also enhances the country’s economic growth. Above all, it helps to build a better society of citizens of the country.

Education should be free in India – Steps to a developing and educated nation.
Education is the foundation of a child’s cultural and psychological development. Without it, no child can reach his full potential, and he will not be able to work to make his country better and more prosperous. The importance of education lies in the knowledge it provides in world affairs.

India’s recent economic growth rate has created a lot of optimism about its socio-economic development. But has there been any progress along with indicators of educational outcomes? How excellent are the Indian educational milestones in terms of China, a country often compared to. For this reason, we need to get into the analysis of India’s standards and development in the past and present.

Review of Indian education standards
The story of India’s educational achievements has a lot of pros and cons about it. On the negative side, India has 22 percent of the world’s population, as India is the second most populous country in the world after China, but 46 percent of the world’s illiterate people are also due to India, which is a disgrace to us. India is also home to a large number of children and school dropouts.

By taking into account some of the positive aspects, however, the country has made significant progress in recent times by increasing student participation in schools, which come from various parts of the country. The Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, launched the “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao Abhiyaan” which took the initiative to educate Indian women. Girls’ education at an early age was limited only to a higher level of society.

Girls’ education was an idea that was pushed back, and ignored for many years. Steps were soon taken to increase the literacy rates of the girls who make up the majority of the Indian population. The West Bengal government has also taken the initiative to launch the “ Kanyasree” and “Yavasree” programs, which provided incentives for girls and youth in disadvantaged areas to pursue education without digging deep into their pockets.

After independence, India was presented with the challenge of mass illiteracy as well as the lack of proper incentives and methods used to impart education to its youth and children. The 1951 Census in the early post-independence period showed that in our country only 9 per cent of women and 27 per cent of men were literate, while the rest lacked even basic education.

Later, the issue was resolved by the framers of the constitution by claiming that soon, the children of the country would be provided free and compulsory education in every state, till the age of 14 years. However, this was judged to be an elusive and imaginary idea, and was pushed back and neglected for more than half a century. Even today this goal remains incomplete.

India is a developing country and has a high rate of people living in poverty. While we citizens are living in urban areas and enjoying our life in luxuries and amenities, are unaware of the various struggles faced by the underlying sections of the society and feel that as long as we lead a life of peace, Everything is beautiful under the sun, we fail to realize how education is a luxury which most of the people cannot afford in our country.

Heterogeneous nature of education in India
Keeping this in mind, education should be free till at least 14 years of age so that every person living in India is familiar with basic literacy and not completely illiterate and illiterate. Literacy rate in India is severely skewed. While Bengal has the most balanced quintals of education and Orissa has the highest, states like Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh etc. have very low quintals of literacy.

However, in gender equality for secondary education enrollment; Bengal is not even in the top half, while the Union Territory of Chandigarh is at the top, followed by Delhi and then Kerala. The 1999/2000 survey shows a huge imbalance between the education standards of different states.

From this we can easily conclude that to remove gender equality; Education should be free so that both the sexes can get education easily. Between the ages of 11 and 14, Maharashtra has the highest growth in female education during the 1990s, an astonishing 22% growth, while Bengal comes second with a growth of 19%.

Although the literacy rate crossed 60% by 2001, female literacy barely reached 50%, creating a worrying situation in the country. While the disparity between Indian and international standards and the curriculum of education is very small at the primary level, the disparity at the secondary level is worrying.

Shocking facts about education in India
When the Kalyan Singh’s state government in Uttar Pradesh introduced police in exam centers to prevent cheating, the pass rate dropped from 57% in 1991 to 14.7%. The short coming of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was the lack of incentives for teachers, which led to high rates of absenteeism and carelessness.

While the mid-day meal was a good initiative with remarkable response, the poor quality meal was against it. Coming to the more human point, we come to know that education is becoming a profession day by day where there cannot be overall development as long as there are private institutions. Also, if there is paid education, then private institutions have to do better otherwise people will not go there. As a result, government schools are lagging behind.

Moreover, without personal development, GDP per capita cannot increase. India lags behind other third world countries like Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam etc. in terms of literacy rate and educational standards. Between the ages of 11 and 16, attendance drops by about 30%, an alarming rate, and is primarily due to poverty and the resulting employment of these school-goers in some form.

It may be surprising to hear about this, but 46 percent of the world’s illiteracy is in India. 61% of adults and 76% of youth in the world have basic literacy. One of the reasons for literacy is the boom of information technology around the world. Due to the increase in technological advancement, education has become easily accessible and attainable for people across the world. In 2006, 93.4% of children went to school, but despite this, the literacy rate in our country is still very low.

Reasons why education should be free.

  1. To make the nature of education in India more uniform and comprehensive, the government needs to make education in India free.
  2. Educational institutions should hire quality teachers, even if the education is given free of cost; Otherwise, underprivileged children will only get wrong knowledge and information.
  3. Since more than half of India’s population is from poverty-stricken people and farmers, education should be free as most of these people cannot afford the education of their children and hence they refuse to admit their children in schools. abstain.
  4. Due to the huge population in India, getting free education becomes a very difficult goal. However, when medicine is the right of the people and is provided free of cost by government hospitals, the same should be done with educational institutions as basic education is also the right of every citizen of the country.
  5. Since most of the country is not e-literate, due to rapidly growing technology and education mainly going online, a large part of the population has been left behind.
  6. To remove ignorance and blind stereotypes among Indian people, education is very important and should be available to every citizen irrespective of their financial stability.
  7. Free education will encourage more parents to enroll their children in educational institutions instead of working in factories and spoiling their entire childhood.
  8. Most of the people in India, especially the poor sections of the society, have more than two children. In such a situation, the cost of education of all of them becomes very difficult for the earning members of the family. Therefore, free education would be a convenient means of imparting education.

Therefore, we can conclude from this that by taking small steps towards nurturing free and quality education for the masses, we can end the present continuous period of development of our nation from a developing third world country to a developed first world country.

Education is the right of every child born on this earth, and not everyone is born into financially stable families. For that, are they worthy to face ignorance? no they do. We can do our bit by establishing private institutions, belonging to the post-modern era of civilized and educated persons, where we can teach the slum children of our locality for free. These small steps could eventually lead to biggest changes over a broad spectrum.

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